Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C
Pope St
Gregory the Great may have gained fame for inventing the liturgical chant which
carries his name but he is also the Pope who had a deep concern for the English
people and the mission to evangelise them. In 597, this saintly Pope sent St
Augustine with a contingent of monks on an evangelistic mission to England
which proved exceedingly successful. Not only did St Augustine establish a
foothold on English soil but began to expand Christian influence over different
parts of England. The Pope remained concerned about the happenings in England
and therefore kept a weather eye lest his envoy succumb to pride. Augustine
might have had grounds for this since everything appears to have turned out
well. There were even rumours of miracles. But St Gregory helped to get things
in proportion as we can see from one of his letters recorded by the Venerable
Bede in his Ecclesiastical History (chapter 31). Here Gregory insists that the
success of the mission was because of God’s predilection for the English.
Augustine, though drawn to the people himself, was simply God’s instrument.
these signs and wonders performed by St Augustine and his monks were God’s
means for attaining his end they must not become an incentive to human pride. Pope Gregory in his letter to Augustine issues
this warning, “At the same time, beware lest the frail mind becomes proud
because of these wonderful events, for when it receives public recognition, it
is liable to fall into senseless conceit.” Here, surely, we have a blueprint
for ministry in the Church, and especially for those called to exercise
leadership and oversight. People and their salvation matter far more than any blowing
of a personal trumpet.
above story seems déjà vu as we recall what we had heard in today’s gospel. The
Seventy two returned from their mission all excited and abuzz about their power
over demons. Things could not be going better for Jesus’ disciples. “The
seventy-two came back rejoicing,” our text says. Things must have gone well.
The seventy-two tell Jesus, “Lord, even the devils submit to us when we use
your name.” But Jesus helps them put the whole matter in perspective. There is
nothing to gloat or pride themselves about. Power over demons, as wonderful as
it is as a harbinger of the Kingdom of God, is nothing compared to the immense
privilege the disciples have of salvation. God is not nearly so impressed with
miracles as we humans. The very greatest value is belonging to God. Our abilities,
our deeds, our spiritual gifts gain us no standing with God. Rather, Jesus
says, “Rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
At one
level, Jesus encourages them. He assures them that he has seen Satan fall like
lightning from heaven. Apparently Jesus understands this trainee mission by his
disciples as a sign of Satan’s overthrow, accomplished in principle at the
cross. But he does not stop at giving a positive appraisal. He continues to tell
his disciples that they will witness yet more astonishing things than these. It
would be far too myopic to just rest on their laurels and focus on their
success and achievements. What they should truly be rejoicing over is that
their salvation has been won for them by Christ.
So this
is what Jesus would have you rejoice in, as the main thing. It is so easy to
rejoice in success. Our self-identity may become entangled with the
fruitfulness of our ministry. And then the danger, of course, is that it is not
God who is being worshiped. Our own wonderful acceptance by God himself no
longer moves us, but only our apparent success. And when we begin to idolise
success we surreptitiously end up idolising ourselves. Few false gods are so
deceitful. When faced with such temptations, it is desperately important to rejoice
for the best reasons—and there is none better than that our sins are forgiven,
and that by God’s own gracious initiative our names have been written in
heaven. It’s fine that you can get things done for the Church. That’s great.
But even greater, far greater, is what God has done for you through the
sacrifice made by His Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. This is something which
we did not acquire through our own hard work or earn through merit. God did
them for us. This is the real reason for rejoicing.
Now, is
it good if you can do some work for the parish? It is good that you remain
faithful to your prayers and your spiritual practices? Yes, by all means. Do we
want people who will give generously to support the work of the parish? Yes, of
course. That is much needed. Do we want people who will volunteer their time
and effort to do various tasks around the church–cleaning up, serving on
various apostolates and commissions, and so forth? Sure. Very much appreciated.
Praise and thank God for having given you gifts that you now so generously
offer to the whole community. That’s terrific. But don’t put the cart before
the horse.
lose sight of the main thing. Your membership in the Church is not based on how
much you can do for Christ or for His Church. If you can do a lot, don’t get
big-headed. If you can’t do very much anymore, don’t feel like you are unloved
or not valued. If someone else seems to do more than you, you shouldn’t feel
jealous. Nor when someone else doesn’t meet up to your standard of service,
doesn’t make him any less valuable a member in the Church. There’s no need to
make comparisons or match each other in terms of commitment or service. You
see, it’s not about how good a worker you are for the church. That’s not it.
That’s secondary–good, and important, if you’re able to do those things, but
still secondary. The primary thing, the reason you are in the Church, is, first
of all, because you are a recipient of God’s gratuity. That is why you are
here. He offers us our salvation through Word and Sacrament.
So let
us heed that timeless advice given to a wise bishop by a wiser pope, “beware
lest the frail mind becomes proud because of these wonderful events, for when
it receives public recognition, it is liable to fall into senseless conceit!”
Rather, rejoice in God’s initiative in offering us salvation. Rejoice that I
can do all things well through Christ who strengthens me (Phil 4:13). That is
faith. That is rejoicing in the main thing. Rejoice in the Lord who sustains
his people, who nurtures them like a mother, who offers them peace and
consolation in times of distress. Rejoice because “we have seen the marvellous
deeds of the Lord.” Rejoice in “the cross of Our Lord Jesus Christ, through
whom the world is crucified to me, and I to the world.” Rejoice because your
names are written in heaven! Rejoice because you are chosen of God
for eternal life! Rejoice because you are now the children of God
through faith and the power of baptism! Power to become the children of
God is to be valued far more than power to work miracles or cast out
demons! Our salvation is much more precious and worthy of more
rejoicing than all our spiritual gifts and authority! Indeed, the supreme
law is and always will be the salvation of souls.